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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Technical Failures of Romances and Love Life

Feeling the dumps? Don't grumble. Give a whistle.
(courtesy of the BBC website)
              Love life. Ain't it cute? Having to cuddle someone up and spend time with the love of your life is certainly a time worth remembering. He or she makes you feel brand new while on the way to the "Loves-R-Us" factory.

But then again for some, like me may have some sort of technical failures with love life because of how you are or what you are, Let me tell you, no matter how hard or painful you feel, let it go. Take your wheels and drive off. Always look on the bright side of life.

"You gotta watch some Monty Python. I assure you, it will keep you company with laughs as well as smiles in a surreal way"

Touch and Go. Here and there, anywhere made easy.
Driving along the road, often times you will see a lot of routes and destinations. Navigating through your GPS or with an oldschool kind of way like a road map will help you to figure out the nearest routes available to your destination.

If you're the explorer kind, you might decide to check out some routes that you have never passed by. Who knows what you might find.

And what's the catch with all these routes and destinations? Simple. You have a lot of directions and routes to choose from. Take it from me, you'll be better off spending time checking out some routes you may have never passed by than to keep on getting rejected or dumped by the lovely ladies of your life.

The beauty of Melbourne at night
As Petula Clark sang her song, "When you're alone and life is making, you can always go Downtown". Why not pay take a spin and listen to the music of the traffic in the city? Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty. How can you lose? Surely, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares. 

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you. Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to guide them along. Maybe I'll see you there someday.

Now comes for the hard part. Don't you have any dreams and aspirations to drive to? Drive your dreams. Keep your smile for 2014.

*Be sure to stay tuned for more car reviews and other tips. Follow the Lonely Driver at Twitter: @LonelyDriverTWT

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