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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A good snack for a good drive

French fries with a special 'fry-holder'. Ain't it special?
    Driving home from work makes you hungry sometimes. Even on long trips while driving your fancy SUV and enjoying some music. You may have thought about bringing some homemade sandwiches. Then you spot a fastfood drive-thru and treat yourself to some fries and burgers. You cruise along munching your way with that delicious treat like there's no tomorrow. How about some healthy-conscious drivers? I'm sure they anything greasy and fatty is off their list. Will there be hope for these folks? 

A lot of candy treats to choose from. Sweet!
If you take a visit to a grocery and convenience store, there are a lot of options to keep you full while on the driveway from potato chips, to candies, to a lot of chocolate selections. You ask yourself, is this healthy for me? 

Some health experts say that eating too much candies and all that potato chips may give you some kidney problems plus some extra calories to burn down when you go to the gym. As the Lonely Driver, I too am watchful of my health. But I get hungry easily. I tried some low-sugar candies but it still is packed with some cals. Then I found out some good snacks that won't gain a much fats in my system. Well ain't that a good news? Let me show you some snacks that I'm sure you might want to try out. 

Senbei on a bowl anyone? Reminds me of mixed nuts
Senbei. If you happen to come across a Japanese store, you might want to check out their food section. They usually have some sort of translation stickers on the back of the packs. Don't be shy to check them out. You won't be a sucker if you're take a look one of them. 

Now you might think these Japanese treats aren't heathy. Well actually, they only have lesser fats that is almost close to being an oatmeal treat. And the fact that they're crispy, they taste pretty good. You won't believe that these Japanese treats are mostly made up of rice and vegetables and some with Nori (dried seaweed). I happen to love rice crackers with Nori and believe me, it tastes heavenly.

Packed Nori. Fresh from the sea
And no, I am not desperate to eat anything but you can also try out packed Nori. Yes, dried seaweed to eat it on its own like how you eat potato chips. 

Not only it taste as salty as potato chips but these seaweed strips are nutritious like your typical vegetable favorites. Add some steamed rice on it and you'll know you're in for a bountiful treat while driving home. Saves you some grocery as well. I love eating some Nori even if I'm home watching some paranormal shows online. I take a bite with one of these while waiting for the red light to go green. And they're not hard to crew. Think of it as a salty delicious version of those breath strips that you get from a beauty store. Well of course, these won't make you breath smell good. But if you craving for someting sweet, you might want to try out this one.
Tasty chocolatey granola bars
Granola bars. The sweet taste of a chewy granola bar will keep you craving back for more. Of course they come in different flavors like chocolate, peanut butter, or cookies and cream. Not only sweet but good for the heart. These also contain some packed energy to keep you awake. I usually eat one of these when I worked in the night shift.

It helped me a lot when dealing with my extreme sleepiness. Go browse some of these in a convenience store or when you buy some groceries, be sure to check your aisles for these yummy bars. I assure you, you don't need to burn some caffeine while staying awake when driving all night.

There, these are some of my tasty treats. I don't have to go and buy some heavy meals to keep me full while on the road. But of course, it's up to you. I'm not stopping you and your craving tummy.

And remember to always stay fit and if you really feel the need to sleep, pull over to a motel for a sleepover. Don't act like you're superman or you're gonna regret it.

*Be sure to stay tuned for more car reviews and other tips. Follow the Lonely Driver at Twitter: @LonelyDriverTWT

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